The BrightGauge Blog

Benefits of Client Reporting

Written by Brian Dosal | September 12, 2012

Last month MSP Mentor wrote a blog post about the upcoming IT Nation conference Connectwise is hosting and mentioned BrightGauge as a "Emerging Software in the MSP Market".  We were definitely flattered he would consider us an upcoming software and that he would put us along side some good friends and companies like Connectsmart, JoomConnect, etc.  Joe P does a great job of reporting on our industry and I read his stuff every day.

Next to our name he did add this comment which I wanted to respond to briefly in this post:

Reality check: Can customer reporting really win you more business? Early BrightGauge users say yes and I’d like to learn more.

The truth is AWESOME client reporting (which is us!) doesn't just help win clients but it also REALLY helps MSPs keep clients.  Both situations are hugely beneficial for MSPs but usually the "keeping" of clients is the more fruitful and an easier way to spend resources.  Think about it, how much does it cost to get a new client?  Quite a bit...   Fortunately, this concept is not lost on too many MSPs we are still acquiring and talking to new partners every day!

Helping win new clients is a benefit of ours but it's more of an offshoot of our product because of our slick designs and our clever partners.  See, many of partners  realize a small differentiator like report samples is tangible enough to convince a weary prospect to sign on with them (ever seen an internal IT department with great executive reports? me neither).

Keeping new clients is why we get calls and sign ups every day.  Don't get me wrong, in order to truly keep clients you have to deliver a great service.  But sometimes in IT Services that service is very, very transparent.  Almost to the detriment of the service provider because they make it look so easy that the client thinks they can do it cheaper or by themselves.  Regular reporting, and AWESOME reporting, can help keep that constant flow of information to the client.  Even if they glance at it once a month they know the service provider is doing their job and checking in, again, especially with AWESOME reporting.  What else could clients ask for?

We recently integrated our client reporting with GFI Max and in talking with their MSP partners and their internal team, they say client reporting is one of the most talked about functions within their community.  It kind of is amazing that something so conceptually simple (like reporting) could be so helpful to so many!

The really interesting aspect is that although the concept is simple, the effort isn't.  That's where we come in...

Ready to learn more about the benefits of Client Reporting, and how to put them together? Check out our free webinar: