The BrightGauge Blog

Report of the Month - End of Month Overview

Written by Susan Perez | May 22, 2020

This month, we’re featuring how BrightGauge partner Dan Rutter of TechPath in Brisbane uses BrightGauge reports to be highly transparent with customers and empower them to make the best possible business decisions. 


Dan is the Service Manager at TechPath, a full-service IT company that focuses on providing business internet, cloud and hosting, phone systems, and technology solutions to people in the Brisbane area. 


As the Service Manager, Dan wants to enable his customers with full information about their environments so that they have a better understanding of their business. 


To aid in this type of conversation, Dan regularly sends out an automated End of Month report using BrightGauge.  


Transparent reporting gives clients an extra look at the value a company like TechPath brings. As Dan puts it, “When you are visiting clients on-site, it’s very clear what your value is as they see exactly what you’re working on, but once your working relationship gets better and there are less face-to-face interactions, you spend a lot more time in the background. We wanted to send a report each month to key contacts to give an indication of what activity is actually happening, because they may not be aware of how much is going on behind the scenes.” 


The resulting report is straightforward and is automatically sent out, so is not censored in any way and allows for honest, transparent conversations to take place. 

*View this sample End of Month Report here


The overview of day-to-day operations includes data around:

  • Tickets, including type, volume, and open/close dates 
  • Asset management, including warranties status 
  • Network devices, with information about what’s currently under contract
  • Computer health with patch status and drive disk space used


The goal is to empower end users with all they need to make informative decisions. 


Dan says, “We’re giving our clients enough information for them to leave us, actually. But the idea is that we are providing so much value that they will want to continue working with us.”


With the type of data they’re being shown each month, clients can make timely decisions about endpoints that are becoming particularly problematic, machines that may need to be replaced, administrative licenses that should be reassigned, and more.


When TechPath is falling behind on something, it’s valuable for the client to see what action was taken to mitigate the issue at hand. That type of transparency strengthens trust placed in TechPath as a partner. 


“The key things for us are full transparency and showing value,” says Dan. “When we’re not on-site, it’s harder to maintain clients. They start wondering why they pay us. We know we’re doing a good job and we know we’re delivering value, but sending monthly reports helps us show that to our end users and decisions makers.” 


Interested in setting up an End of Month Report for your clients? Check out our Report Key to recreate it yourself or feel free to reach out to and we’ll be happy to help.


Thank you to Dan and TechPath for sharing your insights!


Link to Sample End of Month Report

Link to Report Recreation Key