The BrightGauge Blog

Removing Common Barriers from MSP Success

Written by Brian Dosal | April 2, 2012

We haven’t written much on this blog about the MSP industry or lessons learned from our MSP practice, Compuquip Technologies, but I have to share what I thought was one of the better “advisory” posts I’ve read in a while.

On Friday David Castro, from Kaseya, wrote a great blog post titled “Removing the 3 Most Common Barriers to your MSP Success”. I encourage you to check out the entire post but let me share his three concepts here.

Directly from the post:

  1. Ineffective pricing. Too many leave profit on the table by charging solely by cost plus pricing; they don’t know their true cost or willingness of their customers to pay, so they are undercharging. I wrote a 3 part blog on this.
  2. Failure to specialize/verticalize. Too many are generalists; the most successful MSPs are gurus (w/ certs and vertical credentials) and sell by vertical (banks, such as Safe Systems) or by competency (business continuity, such as Data Balance). Read case studies about your MSP peers here.
  3. Failure to accelerate AWAY from break-fix. Read the BSM article here. Need I say more? If ANY of them want to exit, they will have suboptimal valuations UNTIL they move to managed services.

When I was at Compuquip with my brother we never claimed to be experts in the MSP field even with a strong track record of success (50+ employees, high average monthly contracts, yearly growth). My brother and his team continue to grow the business and much of that he attributes to learning from others in the community. I applaud David and Kaseya for writing solid, down to earth, posts to help the community. Keep them coming!