The BrightGauge Blog

Fresh Feature: Leaderboard Gauge with Team Photos

Written by Amanda McCluney | June 14, 2016

Over the last year, our Product Manager and co-Founder, Brian Dosal, spent a lot of time making customer calls. His goal was to better understand what our community finds most useful about BrightGauge, and to also take some notes about ideas that would help our customers even more when it comes to their daily business operations.


One of the most common themes Brian found during those calls was the idea of introducing or increasing some healthy team competition. So with the demand in place, Brian and our Product Team set out to make a special gauge type that we’re calling the Leaderboard Gauge. Not only does it give you the ability to rank your team based on their performance, but we’ve also given you the ability to amp up the fun factor too with images and badges:

How to Get Started with Leaderboard Gauges

The images are customizable, meaning you can show the shining faces of your team members, or use any icon/symbol of your choosing. After clicking on the image placeholder you’ll see a modal that pops open with the ability to upload an image and select it for that dimension value you clicked on.

We’ve talked before about how gamification helps companies such as Microsoft and Nike to significantly improve employee performance on routine tasks, so we’re thrilled to bring this feature to the BrightGauge community. You can get the full scoop on how to build and navigate leaderboard gauges in our Product Updates page where you’ll find a step by step guide to get started. As always, let us know what you think about our latest feature update and tell us about your team’s results too!