The BrightGauge Blog

Introducing Our New Customer Success Team

Written by Eric Dosal | February 21, 2017

In case you missed it, we’ve made some major investments in our Customer Success Team over the past few months and I wanted to share why and how this team is here to serve you!


Growing a Customer Success Team

First of all, we have added a few new faces to our Customer Success Team to help handle the demand of our growing customer base.

The team is now made up of 4 Customer Success Rockstars whose only mission in (work) life is to deliver “over-the-top” support to customers and ensure that we are exceeding all of your expectations. You will work with this team from the moment you sign up as they are responsible for Onboarding and Training. They are also responsible for any Data Customization needs you might have during your onboarding or any other time the need arises. Their fourth area of responsibility is Application Support making them your one stop shop for all your BrightGauge questions.

What has Changed by Creating a New Team?

We collapsed the Support, Data, Onboarding and Training teams all into one, which will be known as our Customer Success Team going forward. We realized that the line between Support and Data Customization was starting to blur and it was becoming too difficult to distinguish between the two. Additionally, when the Support Team was on a call and the customer needed some training, did we have to change teams? We realized the work and role they were playing might change but the person and their mission did not, so why make them separate teams?


What Does a Customer Success Team Mean for You?

It means a more integrated and simplified experience when working with our team. From the moment you sign up through the life of our partnership, you’ll be working with this team who is here to help and support you in any way we can.

To learn how having a Customer Success Team can impact your growth check out our webinar: How Investing in Customer Success Drove our MSP Growth.

Customer Success Starts with Onboarding

Here’s a snapshot of the Onboarding Dashboard our team uses to monitor the progress of our customers getting started with us. The gauges listed above are:


  • < 20 HS Divided by Total Subscriptions: We have a custom Health Score algorithm we use to monitor the health of our customers that ranks from 0 to 100. We keep track of the percentage of customers with a score of 20 and under to make sure we are monitoring our “unengaged customers”. Our goal is to keep that below 8%. 
  • Average Health Score: This takes the average across all of our customers of the Health Score I mentioned above. Our goal is to continually push that number up and this quarter we are targeting to get the number over 75. Stay tuned for updates on that.
  • Churn TW: Number of customers that have canceled their account with us this week. (Six...ouch!)
  • New Signups Not Connected: The most important first step for any new customer is to connect their data to our system. Therefore we keep a running list of the customers not connected.
  • OnBoarding Tickets By Status: We have 5 stages in our Onboarding process and this pie chart helps us identify where the majority of the customers are.
  • Not Connected: This is simply a Number Gauge of the “New Signups Not Connected” mentioned above.
  • Count of Open Onboarding Tickets: The total number of Onboarding tickets our team is currently working on.

Customer Success Includes Support

Here’s a snapshot of the Support Dashboard our team uses to monitor the progress of our ongoing customer support. The gauges listed above are:


  • Average Response Today: The team tracks their response time each day to ensure we’re getting back to our customers in a timely fashion.
  • Average Resolution Today: We also track the total time it takes for us to complete each of our tickets to make sure we are closing tickets out quickly.
  • Avg CSAT: This allows us to see the customer satisfaction for our given week. We aim to be 100%, but aren’t always perfect.
  • Tickets Solved This Week Leaderboard: For a little healthy competition we track who’s closing the most tickets and it’s also a great way to see if someone is falling behind.

Customer Success is Held Accountable 

The team not only manages their regular KPIs via our Dashboards but also leverages our Scorecards to track unique KPIs that allow us to see trends over time.

As you can see in the example above, Kristian (known to us as Client Call Connoisseur) tracks the number of Knowledge Base articles he updates. That’s an area he’s responsible for and each week he has to check in with the number of documents he has updated. Jessica, aka Flipper of Desks, is our main triage person and we expect her to close more than ⅔ of the tickets we receive. So we track her performance over time. And finally, Rick (aka Player of Games and Most Things Data) has a lot on his plate with Training Calls so we track how many he has each week and also check his other two main tasks of creating gauges for customers and solving tickets.

How Can You Apply This in Your Business?

  1. Customer Success played a huge role in the growth of our MSP and continues to play a major role in our BrightGauge growth. If you’re not focused on Customer Success, you are missing out on an opportunity to turn up your growth.
  2. It’s important that all of your teams have a set of standard KPIs that you’re tracking and sharing in real time monitor their performance. Dashboards can easily identify when you are off track.
  3. Holding your team accountable via a scorecard allows everyone to see how they are performing over time and for you to identify trends that need to be addressed.

To learn more about using a Customer Success Team to impact your growth check out our webinar: How Investing in Customer Success Drove our MSP Growth.